Monday, July 5, 2010

relationship with food

i've been thinking a lot about how much maintaining relationships require. if you slack a little bit the relationship can begin to breakdown. family relationships, marriages, friendships. . .they all require checking in with one another. and being available for celebrations and tragedies. in my life, food seems to be the center of most of the relationship maintenance. weather it is a bbq with friends i rarely see, dinner with mike and hendrix, or a 4th of july party at my brother's. it doesn't matter if it only took 10 minutes to make the salad or 5 hours to smoke the pork shoulder. it matters that you do it and that the food is enjoyed and the relationships keep on going on. everyone gets busy. especially, when they are in the "having & raising babies" phase of life. or the "trying to figure out what i want my life to be" phase of life. life is busy. but meals allow us to slow life down for a bit. and talk to one another. see how we are all doing. so, please, for the sake of your relationships have some dinner with your family or friends this week. and if you don't know what to make email us at to subscribe to our provision services (meal+grocery planning). we can get you all set up for weeks of relationship maintenance. xoxo.
(editor's note): i forgot to mention this. . .in the spirit of maintaining (& maybe building some new ones) relationships, i will be hosting a FREE monthly craft night at the farm. there will be 12 spots available each month. there are two available for this month. the craft night will be july 20th from 7-9pm. you just need to bring a project to work on and a snack to share with the group. you can join the event on facebook or email me at to reserve your spot at the table.

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