Monday, October 4, 2010


when i started writing this post yesterday the world was a different place. harvest is happening out here on the farm. it means the end of our first year out here. farming. producing. building a family. creating a life for ourselves. the beginning of harvesting has been bittersweet for me. but now, i see what it really is supposed to be about. harvest should be about being grateful. GIVING THANKS. you see, when i started this post yesterday my world still had all of its' people in it. i learned yesterday afternoon that my friend had passed. while, she was not my best friend, she was my friend. who i saw at least weekly for the past three years. the world and my world is darker now. once again, i had to learn that when you think you should reach out to someone and say something. you probably should. even if someone needs more help than you can give. kindness is like change,it adds up. yesterday reminded me too much of a day five years ago when i lost my friend josh. i had forgotten some of the lessons i learned that day. so today i am going to make a list of all the people i am grateful for and why.
hendrix - thank you for accidentally coming into my life. you have taught me more than you will ever know.
mike - thank god i answered that ad. you saved me.
my brother - you are the nicest person i know. anyone knows.
magali - you are what family is about. love, devotion, and fun.
killian - i yelped and danced the day you were born. because i knew how great you'd be.
my aunt theresa - the mother i never had
darech - a friend that is second to none
my mom - you taught me patience is something to practice every day
my dad - handicaps can't stop you and kindness is never overrated
tim - you are a kind, crazy outdoorsman who is one hell of a cook. thank you.
brigitte - you are the epitome of kindness.
all of la buvette coworkers - it is my utmost joy to work in the company of all of you. you are all truly talented and compassionate people. i am proud to know you.
joann - thankful that she gave us the opportunity to live on this farm
melinda - blessed that she is a wonderful aunt to hendrix
julie - longest friend i have ever had and the most accepting of all my faults.
summer - best mom friend i could have ever hoped for. her support is overwhelming to me
michelle - has an awesome capacity to be happy for anyone no matter what
suzanne - total nut with a sincere compassion for those she loves
johanna - one of the true friends i got from the "bar". amazingly kind and gentle
alissa - what can i say about this one? i love her.
bryce - a supportive, kind, passionate, intelligent friend
anjanette - great teacher for all of us first time mothers
heger- thank you for guiding us out here in the country
trish - best cousin i could of ever lived with
uncle jerry - you are what happiness is about
my grandma alice - cooking
all of my cousins, aunts, and uncles - i have so many great stories because of you. and so much love because of you.
anyone i may of missed? it is not because i am not grateful for you. i am just forgetful and sad today. please be extra kind to friends and strangers alike today. be grateful for your life. be grateful for all of those people in your life. and send lots of positive energy to a little girl, her father, grandmother, and whole family today, tomorrow and the days to come. they are going to need it. thank you.


  1. I always enjoy reading your posts, but that was beautiful, Annie. Even in all your sadness you still made me smile. Thank you for your inspiration and for reminding all of us to be grateful. -Rachel

  2. Thanks Anna for being grateful for me! I miss having you around to make me laugh and laugh. I am extremely grateful for your sense of humor. You are a pioneer for all of us crammed into the city stuffing our faces with preservatives! Keep reminding me to take care of myself....anj

  3. I love you Anna. You help us remember that the human spirit is strong.
