Friday, July 20, 2012

no comment

earlier this morning i was reading about the tragedy in colorado.  while doing so i, unfortunately, came across some pretty insensitive and irrelevant comments.  for instance..."who brings their 3 month old to a midnight movie?  that baby should be in bed." or "i would never let my 12 year old go to that movie at midnight"....which quickly reminded me of why i almost never read the comments section on news stories or even on facebook, really.  it seems in this social media and 24/7 news-heavy world, that people leave a comment either stating the first thing that comes to their head or to be a total anonymous asshole.  i am the first to say that the first thing that comes to my head is, 95%  of time, what i should not say. somewhere along the way folks forgot that words matter and the news is about actual people going through actual horrific stuff.  i am not really sure when or how this all happened nor do i care to get into it, but i would just like for more folks to be little bit more kind.  especially if you are a fellow parent making those comments.  we, parents, are all in this together.  parenting is tough stuff and judging a fellow parent when they have lost a child or have a seriously injured child is beyond insensitive.  it is cruel.  so, this weekend let's be kind to all those we love and all the strangers that look like they could use a little love.

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