Friday, July 8, 2011

damaged but not broken

well, one of the million storms during this growing season did us in.  on tuesday, a flash thunderstorm brought torrential rains and high winds that devastated our field.  about to bear fruit nightshade plants, greens, and baby melon/squash plants were the most directly affected.  after considering our options, mike and i decided to end the veg box season early.  our subscribers have, as always, been incredibly supportive.  the emails that we have received after sending them the email have all been kind.  it seems that even in our short season, we managed to help people eat healthier and to try new things.  i'd say that's not too bad. 
it could always be worse and this is just one of the many risks of opening/expanding a business.  we are in the process of assessing what can be salvaged and what is a loss.  in the meantime, we will continue on with our two dinner in the field* events and sell to our restaurant clients.  i am trying to see this as a business evolution and not a failure.  mike, as per usual, is unbelievably supportive and kind. 
will we grow veggies again? sure.
in the same capacity? probably not. 
but don't count us out yet. 
the most important thing that i need to tell you is. . .our interns and subscribers made this year all possible.  the interns and the subscribers have stuck through it all and continue too.  elle and bryce have been incredible beyond words.  we learned a lot, are still learning, and look forward to evolving.
* due to some schedule changes there are now 6 spots available for the now july 30th dinner. email us at , if you'd like to attend.*

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