Wednesday, February 23, 2011

what you really need for the new baby

hendrix will be 2 in a couple of weeks and i have baby fever. . .bad.  don't ask me how because he was a total terd yesterday.  children don't allow you to be rational.  i have a lot of friends and family members having babies and it is making me nostalgic, as well.  it is also reminding about the unnecessary crap i thought i needed for my new baby. here's my list of what you actually need.  feel free to comment on what you think i missed or what you think is unnecessary crap on the list.

1. diapers (12 -15 per day for a newborn, i'm not kidding) & calmoseptine diaper cream

2. burp rags/bibs

3. long sleeve onsies & sleepers (i prefer the gown style because it is easy to change diapers in the middle of night) 
 (2 lg. packs of each for NB and 2 lg. packs of 0-3 mos.)

4. either a boppy or the boppy pod

5. a bassinet on wheels & extra fitted sheets
(sometimes you need to wheel that lil' dude to a sunny window (jaundice) or a quiet spot in the house)

6. bottles & formula in case of an emergency or problems with nursing

7. calming music (hendrix liked andrew bird and the nature noises on his bassinet)

8. bouncy seat or small swing (buy it used or borrow because some babies prefer one or the other)

9. blankets (small and big) (for swaddling and warmth)

10. a no negiotating with terrorists attitude (put the baby down and walk away. . .no one has died from crying)

11. bath tub with baby all in one (body soap & shampoo) wash, towels, and baby avenoo cream

12. a camera

13. plenty of snacks and frozen meals that can be eaten with one hand & quickly

14. a friend or a relative that you can call when you need a break

15. car seat & stroller (a walk can solve anything)

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