Sunday, July 25, 2010

comfort food

fried chicken, macaroni & cheese, mashed potatoes, yellow cake with chocolate frosting, pancakes, baked chicken and rice casserole. . .just a few of my favorite comfort foods. we all have those dishes that conjure up good memories and warm our hearts. and fill our bellies. i went to a funeral this past week for a friend's grandmother. my friend and her mother cooked up some of the grandmother's most famous recipes. including a cucumber salad with clementine's produce. i loved that idea. the idea that this woman's surviving relatives were celebrating her life and eating food that reminded them of her. reminded them of good food, good memories, and good times. growing my garden, selling produce, and providing menus + grocery planning for family, friends, and strangers allows me to build good memories with my family and now i know for other families, as well. last night, my friend came over for dinner and we had "fried" cornflake chicken, roasted carrots, bleu cheese mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, & yellow cake with chocolate frosting & sprinkles. the carrots came from my garden and the corn came from a fellow farmer's garden down the road. it doesn't get any better than that.

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