Monday, September 20, 2010


hendrix guffaws at everything. i say guffaw because it is not a chuckle or a laugh. it is a guffaw. a magnificent guffaw. never in my life have i ever met someone who is so happy and thinks everything is funny. hendrix finds joy in every single thing. ever. and when you are as happy as hendrix, the only appropriate way to express it. . .is to guffaw. he is grateful for everything i do for him. he is loving to his best friend, gretal the dog. he loves all things food. he is mechanically and musically inclined. he is absolutely amazing. and frankly, i am shocked everyday that i grew him, birthed him, and am responsible for him. . .because he is so much better than i am.
i've spent some time on the blog, ruminating about the end of summer and how excited i am for the fall. i forgot though that as the seasons change so does my baby. soon my baby will no longer be a baby. he will be a boy. and then a man. how silly i was to think that he would stay my baby forever. that he would always need me. how silly i was to try to rush the first year because i thought it would get easier. time keeps ticking and my child keeps growing. so here's to the last days of summer and the last few months of hendrix being a baby. cheers.

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